The Marblehead Laser Fleet racing off of Children's Island

In just 10 weeks Marblehead, Ma will welcome Master Laser sailors from all over North America to compete in the 2016 US Masters Laser Nationals, September 29-October 1. If you haven’t attended a Masters Nationals Regatta this is a great opportunity to experience one of the finest sailing venues in the U.S.

A Bit of Nautical History

Marblehead has a unique history as a maritime town, which until 1648 was part of neighboring Salem (witches anyone?)  In 1814, Marblehead mariners and its famed harbor came to the rescue as the vessel USS Constitution was being pursued by two British frigates. Many of the crewmen were from Marblehead and, being familiar with the rocky waters, piloted the Constitution into the protection of Marblehead Harbor. The British, with no charts of the rocks and channels and seeing cannons being readied at Fort Sewall at the mouth of the Harbor, retreated.

The Constitution, which was nicknamed “Old Ironsides” for its ability to withstand cannon shots, is today the oldest commissioned ship in the United States Navy. It is berthed at the Charlestown Naval Yard in Boston and is open for tours.

Marblehead Sailing Scene 

Whether you spend the weekend focused on Laser sailing or desire to wend your way through the twisting streets of this beautiful old town you have a huge treat in store. From a sailing perspective Marbleheaders take their sport quite seriously. During September the harbor will still be filled with all manner of yacht from the classic IOD to the sleek J88. Laser sailing at Eastern Yacht Club has long been a popular activity and the fleet has grown over the years from just a few boats to over 40 boats on the line at this year’s NOOD regatta. Youth sailing is also huge with many local youth sailors spending their summers at the Pleon Yacht Club. Founded in 1887 Pleon has the distinction of being a completely youth oriented yacht club in that all it’s flag officers and members are under the age of 21.

The Host Yacht Club

Eastern Yacht Club on idyllic Marblehead Neck will be the site for the Nationals. After a fire in 2014 decimated the main club house EYC was rebuilt into a roomy facility that represents all a yachty could want. The main facility, with its spacious lawn overlooking Marblehead harbor, sports multiple dining rooms for both casual and formal dining, two bars and modern locker rooms. Upstairs rooms are available for overnight stays at a rate competitive with local hotels. What would be better than to roll out of bed in the morning and take a quick look out the window to see your Laser parked on the EYC property.

Having sailed regularly at EYC with various fleets I can emphatically say regatta management is exemplary. They take their work seriously and always endeavor to put racer’s needs at the top and facilitate competition that is both fun and fair. Racing will be conducted in the open waters off of Marblehead neck and I am told that both radial and standard fleets will sail a trapezoid course with inner and outer loop. Organizers are hoping to get off up to 4 races a day.

The last reason for coming to the Nationals is that you get to help me celebrate my birthday on 9/30. What a great present it would be to have all my Laser friends from all over the U.S., Canada and beyond to come share the fun. So be there or be square!

For more information on the regatta and the NOR go to US Masters National Regatta 2016.


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